Compassionate, Personalized Representation

For Injury Victims Statewide

Compassionate, Personalized Representation

For Injury Victims Statewide

Holding Alcohol Servers Liable

Drunk driving is a significant problem throughout the United States, and Kentucky is no exception. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control And Prevention (CDC), every day, nearly 30 people are killed in motor vehicle accidents that involved an alcohol-impaired driver. In addition to those deaths, thousands more suffer from serious injuries caused by drunk drivers across the country. Thanks to Kentucky’s dram shop liability laws, people injured by drunk drivers can file a claim against the establishment that knowingly served alcohol to the drunk patrons or minors that caused the accident.

If you believe that a driver who was impaired by alcohol caused your injuries, I can help. I am attorney Chris Haden. As founder of Haden Law Office, with 20 years of experience as a lawyer, I serve clients in Louisville and throughout Kentucky in a range of injury claims. I can help you understand your legal rights and your options, and we can discuss the steps we can take in your case.

When Does Kentucky’s Dram Shop Law Apply?

“Dram shop” is a term for any establishment that sells alcohol or spirits. A dram shop can be a bar, restaurant, liquor store or tavern. If these establishments sell alcohol to visibly intoxicated adults or minors, the establishment may be held partially responsible for any subsequent drunk driving accidents. Some things to keep in mind when evaluating a dram shop case:

  • Was the patron visibly intoxicated in a way that the server should have noticed?
  • Was the accident a direct result of the alcohol served to the patron by the establishment?
  • Was the patron still intoxicated at the time of the accident?

If Kentucky’s dram shop liability laws might apply to your case, I can help you prove the elements of your case so that you can receive the financial compensation you deserve.

Call Me Today For A Free Consultation

If you or a loved one was injured in a drunk driving accident governed by Kentucky dram shop liability laws, I can fight for you and help you obtain the compensation you deserve. Call me at 502-225-1316 or fill out my online contact form to schedule your free consultation.